Vanguard gallery

SONG Yuanyuan



Song Yuanyuan’s paintings seemingly depicted mundane surroundings and objects yet they were all settled in an unsettling way. As if there is a vicious gaze peeping the darkest side deep in your soul in Schadenfreude as you are gazing the painting, the feeling of being disposed forces you to hide away and self- inspect. Borrowed online images and photographs taken in daily life as inspirations, Song Yuanyuan has abandoned narrativity in his paintings and trying to depict a sense of emotion through collaging objects. Ordinary objects and grotesque environments, often enclosure spaces with only artificial lighting, formed Song Yuanyuan’s artistic language. His works embody the desire and lure for reality and illusion and the contradictions, which the juxtaposition of these two might create. The conflict between his artistic ideals and the reality becomes an intense yet poetic battle presented on canvas.





Monster    Oil on canvas | 130cm x 142cm|2022







Work Park    Oil on canvas  |  206.5cm x 250cm  |  2019







风暴假期Stormy Vacation 320x408cm 布面油画 2019(小)

Stormy Vacation     Oil on canvas  |  320 x 408cm  |  2019








《肌肉长出手势》220cmX192cm 布面油画 2018

Hand Gestures Grow Out of Muscles     Oil on canvas  |   220 x 192 cm  |  2018








The Violent Ball-n6    Charcoal, pencil and oil on paper   |  118cm x 89cm | 2022








Me Myself and I(2)  Charcoal, pencil and oil on paper  |  79 x 109cm |  2019









Song Yuanyuan Works-On Paper -Vanguard Gallery

Song Yuanyuan Works-On Canvas-Vanguard Gallery