The creation of Liaofei mostly, originated from his exploring on the unknown things, while the multifarious world nowadays seems just right there to provide him infinite possibilities for his exploration.
In his solo exhibition “Surface, Material, Motion” in Vanguard Gallery 2013, he created a series of installation and painting works which focused on the topic such as “In what way things exist?” and, “in what method they are constituted?”. He attempted to find out the truth of changes in motion from the exploring on both moving theatre produced by human being in a closed field and the silent theatre of cosmos.
The recently created work on exhibition this Art021 is the continuity of the “motion” part from last exhibition. Football, snooker or billiard and etc are all created by human being and are set to move between starting and ending points in a closed and artificial field. The motion in this context should comply with our rules and meanwhile, the mechanical motion of these creatures by us is doomed to follow the rules which are inherent in the motion itself. The participants of the motion, the fields, the rules of motion (artificial or natural) and the motion of spheres, all these elements finally constitute up the motion which is attracting us deeply and also owns the power to make the artist keep on observing.