In the spirits of Spring, Vanguard Gallery invites you to join Japanese artist Aki Lumi’s abstract world. This coming exhibition in April shares with you Aki’s three paper art and photography collections: “The Garden,” “Mechanic” and “Trace.”
Born in Tokyo, Aki Lumi currently lives in Paris and is a member of art ensemble “Les KiKi”. His works display a same core message in diversified ways-that is an independent system, or “regulation” which differs from the existing material system and is created by Aki himself. Produced in aid of compasses and rulers, Aki’s art pieces exhibit complicated yet regulars lines, integrated tight with each other. Discarding the traditional perspective representation, Aki starts from anywhere in the frame. In his photography collections, “photo” are no longer the results of photography but an ultra extensity that Aki creates on computer.
Aki Lumi’s works break your conventional way of observing and thinking and recompose the two-dimensional world everyone sees. It is a difficult feeling to describe: there are two or more parallel worlds co-existing on same dimension. They’re harmonious but harsh, natural but illusory, chaotic but solid. When this static illustration on paper is decoded by your brain, it’ll be interfered by the accepted knowledge of viewers, thus standing out. Are they organic or inorganic? regular or irregular? It is the stereotype break-through under unconscious brain conditions that Aki Lumi’s art pieces are challenging.