Gas Station, launched in 2008, will hold its third exhibition this July. In the coming exhibition, we have invited six young artists: Cheng Ran, Li Ming, Li Wenqiang, Lu Jiawei, Xu Shijun and Ye Linghan featuring works in videos, images and related installations.
Their works reveal the characteristics of the 80s generation: sensitivity to the surroundings, inspection on dominant group and main system in the society. Unlike the artists participating in the previous two exhibitions, they do not put narration first. On the contrary, 80’s works pay more emphasize on “I”, the subject who is observing. From the six artists’ works you can feel their confusion on the present society. Occasionally, you may have a glimpse of their embarrassing situation that they can do nothing about it but to express their worry and anxiety. Whatever expressions they choose, as a whole, these works of the six artists’ have offered viewers multiple possibilities.
Gas Station is a project aiming to provide more opportunities for the co-operation between gallery and artists. Every summer Vanguard Gallery will invite different young artists to create works with no theme. And this year, it’s our first time to hold Gas Station with a certain theme and this is based on the creation concept of the participants.