The legacy from a thousand year’s civilization is waiting silently in the soil. Dust and vicissitude from history has accumulated here, in silent reflection upon the glory of the dynasty and its sudden fall, upon the burned walls underneath and the tattered pieces of silk. During his peaceful days of teaching, Xi’er started to paint his thoughts and reflection, with calmness and peace, like that of the ivory tower. Sheet after sheet, came into being his work “ Black Diary”.
Xiaohua Cai
The Exhibition, with a theme of A-fang Palace in black and white, came into being after the colors from the painter Zhangxi’s memory faded with years passing by. The painter is a native of Shaan Xi, where the old capital of Qin Dynasty, Xi’an and A-fang Palace are located.
The exhibition here is the collection of his work from 95-99. With abstract water-color, copper-plate print and sketches, his work conveyed a sense of renewal after the vicissitude. A graduate of Chinese Central Academy of Art And Craft (now the Tsinghus Academy of Art) from the Department of Fresco, the painter has a strong sense of structure in his paintings. The prints, with a seemingly random layout, has a strong essence and spirit to it.